Wendy Carlson
Working with an Expert Witness
We appreciate Windle Turley, Esq. for his excellent lecture on “Working with an Expert Witness . . the Plaintiff Attorney’s Prospective.”
Mr. Turley received his law degree in 1965, and has appeared seven times in D Magazine’s “Top Lawyers” list and is a repeat selection for Texas Super Lawyers’ List. When the Forensic Expert Witness Association held their meeting on January 28, 2010, he appeared as a delightful and insightful lecturer before a group of experts in varying fields.
Mr. Turley shared his view that “the Expert Witness is the life blood of your case.” He went on to say that he has noticed an increasing hostility from judges toward expert witnesses.
Because the cost of retaining an expert is becoming increasingly high, and regulations such as binding arbitration are becoming mandated, Mr. Turley stated his belief that trial experts will soon become extinct unless a case has potentially significant value.
Mr. Turley outlined what an attorney-client should expect from the Expert:
- A Reasonable Fee;
- Honesty about the case;
- Honesty about the Expert’s history;
- Availability to do the work requested;
- The Expert’s preparation for the case; and
- Help with the attorney’s preparation for the case.
In return, the Expert should expect the following from his attorney-client:
- Respect and Courtesy;
- Accommodation;
- Retainer letter defining the scope of the project and how the Expert will be paid;
- Early notification and ongoing updates;
- Written questions the attorney plans on asking the Expert; and
- A vigorous defense for Daubert challenges.
As an Expert, one should be willing and available to assist the attorney-client in proving the case. However, above all, honesty should always prevail, and an Expert should be an advocate for his opinion, not an advocate for the side that hired him.
Did Fonteno abuses constitue fraud?
Wendy was recently hired by and her opinion published in the Dallas Morning News for exposing a person signing a different person’s name on a Foreclosure Deed filed with the Dallas County Clerk and Recorder.
The red sign over the counter at the Dallas County records office warns: “It is a crime to intentionally or knowingly file a fraudulent court record or a fraudulent instrument with the clerk.”
More simply, it’s a prosecutable offense to submit documents with forged signatures or signatures of fictitious persons or paperwork that has been manipulated to portray faked events.
The rest of the article can be read here.
Signatures Questioned On Dead Woman’s Insurance Policy
DENVER (CBS4) – Two handwriting experts have concluded that someone forged the signatures of a Highlands Ranch doctor on her $1.5 million life insurance policy which was taken out two years before she mysteriously died in a fall from a cliff in Rocky Mountain National Park.
DC Appeals Court Upholds Use of Handwriting Analysis as Legal Evidence
The District of Columbia Court of Appeals ruled that Handwriting Analysis will continue to be admissible as scientific evidence in local courts.
See the story here:
Handwriting Expert Denver Info
As featured on:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Handwriting Expert and Forensic Document Examiner
Wendy Carlson (303) 330-8636
$400 Examination
(multiple-page document exam will incur additional charges)
$300 Notarized Letter of Opinion*
(*after payment of examination)
(Rule 26 Report – $700 after payment of examination)
“Very professional, credible and persusive”
– 2nd Judicial District Judge Catherine A. Lemon
“She’s very impressive.”
– Federal Judge Lawrence O. Burman
“Top Notch Handwriting Analysis!”
– Michael G. McKinnon, Esq.
Providing Forensic Document Examination For:
Forgery Wills Deeds
Graffiti Car Titles
Anonymous Writing
Disguised Writing
Immigration Documents
Altered Documents
Legal Documents and Contracts
Medical and Other Records
Americas Handwriting Expert Info
As featured on:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Handwriting Expert and Forensic Document Examiner
Wendy Carlson (214) 458-6009
$300 Examination
(multiple-page document exam will incur additional charges)
$275 Notarized Letter of Opinion*
(*after payment of examination)
(Rule 26 Report – $650 after payment of examination)
“Very professional, credible and persuasive”
– 2nd Judicial District Judge Catherine A. Lemon
“She’s Very Impressive”
– Federal Judge Lawrence O. Burman, Arlington, VA
“Top Notch Handwriting Analysis!”
– Michael G. McKinnon, Esq.
Providing Forensic Document Examination For:
Forgery Wills Deeds
Car Titles Graffiti
Immigration Documents
Loan Documents
Anonymous Writing
Disguised Writing
Questioned or Altered Documents
Legal Documents and Contracts
Medical and Other Records
“Who wrote on the bathroom wall?”
Clients Represented
1382386 Ontario Inc., Michigan | Maddox, Holloman & Kirksey, PC, New Mexico |
4C Medical Group, PLC, Arizona | MasterBlend, Colorado |
Alpha Legal Services, Michigan |
McCarty Law Firm, Texas |
American Management Group, Florida | McCauley Constructors, Colorado |
Appel & Lucas, P.C., Colorado | McCurdy & Eichstadt, PC, Colorado |
Arenson & Spears, Texas | McKay Burton & Thurnman, Utah |
ATM-TEX LLC | Michael A. Littman, Colorado |
Bagi Mechanical, Colorado | Montgomery, Kolodney, Amatuzio & Dusbabek LLP, CO |
Barlow Jones LLP, Texas | Moon-Baker Agency, Oklahoma |
Beimford & Associates, LLC, Colorado | M2/Muhaisen & Muhaisen, LLC, Colorado |
Bell & Associates P.A., Mississippi | Murgallis Law Firm, Colorado |
Berumen Law Firm, PC, Colorado | National Union Fire Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, PA |
Big Tex Trailers, Texas | Newkirk Zwagerman Law Firm, PLC, Iowa |
Brown Pruitt Peterson & Wambsganss, PC, Texas | North Couriers, LLC, Texas |
Buena Vista Police Department, Colorado | NRC Broadcasting/Sign Language, Colorado |
Cain & Hayter, LLP, Colorado | Office of the State Public Defender, Wyoming |
Cairns & Associates, P.C., Colorado | Office of the General Counsel, Oklahoma Bar Association |
Caplan and Earnest LLC, Colorado | Parks & Sons of Sun City, Inc., Arizona |
CBS4 Denver, Colorado | Pearson & Paris, P.C., Colorado |
Central Denver Ironworks, Inc., Colorado | Peretta Law Office, Utah |
Charles Longtine, P.C., Colorado | Phil Smith, PLLC, Texas |
Chayet & Danzo LLC, (Colorado Elder Law) Colorado | Phillip W. Snyder, P.C., Colorado |
Chaffee County Sheriff’s Department, Colorado | Pinnacle International Law Office, LLC, Illinois |
City and County of Denver, Colorado | Porterfield & Associates, LLC, Colorado |
Clark County Public Defender’s Office, Nevada | PrimeLending, Texas |
Clermont County Auditor, Ohio | Prince Creek Construction, Inc., Colorado |
Colorado Department of Education | ProCo, Wyoming |
Colorado Division of Real Estate, Colorado | Rainier Legal Center, Inc. PS, Washington |
Colorado Legal Services | Reed Law Firm, Arkansas |
Consuelo D. Lawrence, P.L.L.C., Texas | Richard C. Kesnig, New York |
Contech Engineered Solutions LLC, Ohio | Rim Development, California |
Corporon & Katz, LLC, Colorado | Ross Wichman PA, Kansas |
Crespin Law Firm, Colorado | Royal A. Martin, PC, Colorado |
Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP, Colorado | Rubin & Zimmerman, PC, Colorado |
Denver Elections Division, Colorado |
Sanders, O’Hanlon & Motley, PLLC, Texas |
Denver Public Schools, Colorado |
Scott & Ray, PLLC, Texas |
Department of Education, Colorado | Sherr Puttmann Akins and Lamb PC, Colorado |
Dixie Farm Industrial Park, Texas | Siebman, Burg, Phillips & Smith |
Sidney & Stephens, Colorado | |
Dovenmuehle Mortgage, Inc., Illinois | Silber Law Firm, Florida |
Druyon Law Offices, P.C., Utah | Southern Poverty Law Center, Alabama |
Dyer & Berens, LLP, Colorado | Spencer Law, P.C., Texas |
Edward J. Chapman, Jr., LC, Kansas | St. John, Bowling & Lawrence, LLP, Texas |
Enholm & Salekin Law, PLLC, Arizona | State Bar of Texas |
State Farm Insurance Companies, Arizona | |
Environmental Processing Systems, LC, Texas | State of Wyoming Public Defender’s Office, Wyoming |
Excel & Affiliates, Wyoming | Technomedia Solutions, Florida |
Fairfield & Woods, PC, Colorado | The Beckham Group, Texas |
Farrar Law Firm, Florida | The Dallas Morning News, Texas |
Federal Defender’s Office, New York | The Denver Channel, Colorado |
Fennemore Craig Jones Vargas, Nevada | The Doss Firm, Georgia |
Fidelity National Financial, Florida | The Fox Company, Colorado |
Foust Law Firm, Montana | The Law Offices of Charles W. Hemphill, Colorado |
Frascona, Joiner, Goodman and Greenstein, CO | The Paradigm Group, Colorado |
Garlin Driscoll Howard LLC, Colorado | The Peter Schick Foundation, California |
Gerrard Law, LLC, Wyoming | The Rose Law Firm, PC, Wyoming |
GNS Electric, Inc., Texas | The Sleep Institute of Utah, Utah |
Grand Openings, Inc., Texas | The Staker Company, Utah |
Grand Prairie Police Department, Texas | The State of Colorado, Denver County |
Gulf Copper, Texas | The State of Texas, Hill County |
Hall & Evans, LLC, Colorado | The Stone Law Firm, Arizona |
Honnen Equipment Co., Colorado | Thomas Genshaft, LLP, Colorado |
Hood County, Texas | Thomas N. Scheffel & Associates, PC, Colorado |
Hospice of El Paso, Texas | Thornton Medical Center, Colorado |
Investors Management Center, Texas | Tulsa Eye Consultants, Inc., Oklahoma |
International Cruise Services, Inc., Florida | Turner & McKenzie, PC, Texas |
John R. Rodman & Associates, Colorado | UAW-Chrysler Legal Services, Michigan |
Jorgensen Brownell & Pepin, PC, Colorado | US Refrigeration Technologies, LLC, Texas |
Law Offices of Brian T. Johnson, PC, Colorado | Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Arkansas |
Law Offices of Clint Curtis and Ingrid Morfa, Florida | Wendy Press Sweeny, Wyoming |
Law Office of Denise Esserman, LLC, Georgia | William J. Hunsaker, P.C., Colorado |
Law Offices of Gregory John Hock, P.C., CO | Windsor Gardens, Association, Colorado |
Law Office of Kevin K. Dixon, P.A., Florida | Whitsett & Gross, PC, Colorado |
Wise Law Offices, Pennsylvania | |
Law Offices of Leon A. Williams, Pennsylvania | Wyoming Public Defender’s Office, Wyoming |
Law Offices of Stephen D. Beam, Oklahoma | Yang & Ullman, PC, Maryland |
Legal Investigations, Inc., Colorado | Zamler, Mellen & Shiffman, PC, Michigan |
Lyndon F. Larsen, Minnesota | Zidell Properties & Construction, Texas |
As Seen on The Denver Channel – ABC 7 News
Dayle Cedars, reporter for Channel 7 in Denver, Colorado, contacted Wendy Carlson about a possible forgery of a local car dealership. Read the story and see the video at http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/26990657/detail.html.
A criminal investigation for fraud is now underway.
forgery expert
Do you have a document you suspect has been forged or illegally created or altered? I can help you find the answer to your question. You need to find out the truth as soon as you can because we never know how far someone will go with a crime once they have started. Some of the situations I deal with regularly include forged checks, forged or altered wills, deeds, anonymous writing, legal contracts, medical records and other documents.
Please take a moment to call me to discuss your case because I will give a quick, honest, professional opinion about your situation, and direct your next recommended step. I can usually provide you with a verbal opinion within 48 hours. Because I work regularly with other document examiners, another document examiner can examine your documents at your request and possibly provide you with a second opinion at a reduced rate.
Most cases are settled out of court because of a document examiner’s official “Letter of Opinion”. If your case does go to court I can be your expert witness. My fees are among the lowest in the industry; always fairly billed, no surprises. Because you are probably worried or just plain mad about your situation, call me now. I’m sure you have already spent a lot of time and energy wondering what to do, so let’s get to work!
handwriting document examiner
Do you have a document you suspect has been forged or illegally created or altered? I can help you find the answer to your question. You need to find out the truth as soon as you can because we never know how far someone will go with a crime once they have started. Some of the situations I deal with regularly include forged checks, forged or altered wills, deeds, anonymous writing, legal contracts, medical records and other documents.
Please take a moment to call me to discuss your case because I will give a quick, honest, professional opinion about your situation, and direct your next recommended step. I can usually provide you with a verbal opinion within 48 hours. Because I work regularly with other document examiners, another document examiner can examine your documents at your request and possibly provide you with a second opinion at a reduced rate.
Most cases are settled out of court because of a document examiner’s official “Letter of Opinion”. If your case does go to court I can be your expert witness. My fees are among the lowest in the industry; always fairly billed, no surprises. Because you are probably worried or just plain mad about your situation, call me now. I’m sure you have already spent a lot of time and energy wondering what to do, so let’s get to work!